Sunday, May 10, 2009

Brain presentation

I learned a lot in Karen Williams lecture at the Decorah Middle School, about the brain and how it works. She did a very effective way in explaining how the food you eat, things you drink, and the amount of sleep you get helps impact the damage to your brain, and the development of your learning in general.

It was very interesting to me to learn about the alcoholic intake in relationship to how well your body performs on different types of tasks. It was interesting to learn how long it affects your performance, lasting up to 72 hours before you can be at full potential. The study done by the National Institutes for Health click here, proved that it takes 25 years to mature and build the basics that most individuals need to be completely mature into an adult.

Her presentation style was also very interesting to me. I found it to be occasionally effective. I don't think that i could listen to a lecture similar to hers more than once a week. I think that once in a while that the presentation style was very effective and got the attention of everyone in the room. It almost made you scared not to listen. Her voices were very amusing and made the somewhat 'boring' information, very interesting to listen to. Her examples on life helped her audience apply the facts to their own life.

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