I really enjoyed listening to Steve Chambliss speak about his experience within the schools over the past 41 years. He really emphasized not doing the same thing for 41 years, and I couldn't agree more. I think that you need to be experienced in different fields and have a whole grasp on life before you can be an effective teacher. I also think that his point about allowing yourself to be diverse and putting yourself out there... out of your comfort zone is very important. It allows and forces you to learn more about yourself as well as the most effective teaching style for you personally.
I thought that it was a really good point that Steve Chambliss emphasized by saying that you need to get the kids involved more in situations. The more they are involved in the better they will learn. I think that hands-on experiences, especially as a young child, the better that a student can comprehend a certain concept.
I thought it was very beneficial for Steve Chambliss to talk to our class and I really enjoyed listening to his experiences.
I agree that Steve emphasizing not doing the same thing for all of your years. This is exactly what I want to do. I would like to spend some of my career in a Special Education classroom and a part of my career in an Elementary classroom. So, this really stuck out to me about Steve's talk. I also agree that making sure students are involved in the classroom and the learning is very good. Hands-on experiences help students learn better and get them involved in their learning. Steve Chambliss said many important things in his talk and he knows a lot about teaching in general.